BDC-MINI Bird Diverter Carrier

Second generation of drones for the installation of bird diverters

Bird diverter installation made even easier. Our BDC-MINI drone installs bird diverters on high-voltage power lines at an unmatched speed (up to 300 per day) and in any terrain - over rivers, lakes, marshes, roads or fields with growing crops. The installation of diverters by means of drones is very time- and cost-effective.

Bird Diverter Carrier


BDC-MINI - Bird Diverter Carrier

BDC-MINI is smaller, lighter and even more efficient. It can safely operate on lines up to 400 kV, even under voltage, without the need to switch off the infrastructure. It is already in use in many countries around the world - in Europe as well as in America and Australia.

  • Fast charging and replaceable battery

  • Ability to work on live lines

  • High wind resistance

Despite its lower weight and lighter construction, BDC_MINI features high flight stability and a state-of-the-art control system that makes working around high-voltage power lines practical and easy.


  • Max. flight height: 120 m 
  • Max. wind speed: 10 m/s 
  • Max. range: 1 km 
  • Operating temperature: -15 °C to +40 °C 
  • Max. flight time: ~12 min.* 
  • Possibility to install up to 300 diverters per day* 
  • Possibility to work on lines up to 400 kV without the need to switch them off 

*Depending on terrain and weather conditions.