Ján Grujbár in Let's Talk Business: Our great success is the contract with NATO, we plan to expand globally thanks to our technologies

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In the latest episode of Let's Talk Business, moderator Adam Šipoš welcomed the CEO of Aliter Technologies Ján Grujbár.
Ján Grujbár v Let’s Talk Business: Náš veľký úspech je kontrakt s NATO, plánujeme expandovať do sveta vďaka našim technológiám

Let’s Talk Business: CEO of technology company Aliter Technologies

In the latest episode of Let’s Talk Business, moderator Adam Šipoš welcomed the CEO of Aliter Technologies Ján Grujbár. How did they start? What services do they offer as a technology company? How did they get into cooperation with NATO or how do they help other companies in cyber protection?

“15 years ago, attacks were concentrated on specific individuals, today, thanks to computing power, there are widespread attacks on clients.” “Today, it is no longer a relevant question whether I can be a victim of attacks, rather it is a relevant question when it will happen and whether I am sufficiently prepared for it.”

You will learn all this and much more in the latest episode of the Let’s Talk Business show with Adam Šipoš and his guest Ján Grujbár.

You can listen to the PODCAST in Slovak.

You can watch the interview in Slovak.

SOURCE: Startitup


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