FINISH of the running season

  • CSR
  • Conferences
FINIS of the running season? How else but with Stefanik Trail! This year is no exception and we are very happy that we were able to support this running event as a general partner.

And as usual, it wasn't "just" about running, but also about helping. By purchasing cabbage soup according to the DEPAUL Slovensko recipe, which is prepared for its clients in the Bratislava hostel of St. Vincent De Paul, participants could support the daily effort to help homeless people in our area.

Of course, there were also runners in Aliter Technologies colors! The following performed great on the ten-kilometer course: Filip (13th), Michal (20th), Jakub (45th), Alena (68th), Christián (28th), Monika (57th), Michal (69th) and Marek (102nd).

Congratulations on the great performance and thank you to all the runners, organizers and volunteers.