CLOUDY podcast | #06 What is being forgotten when creating websites?

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The sixth episode of the CLOUDY podcast is dedicated to the topic of website creation. Host Andrej Kratochvíl and Branislav Ballon, a developer, talked about whether it is difficult to create a website or application, what is often forgotten when creating (and shouldn't be), and when it is best to leave it to an expert.
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Braňo, you are a developer, can you explain what a developer does?

He programs the functionality of an application or website according to an assignment or analysis. In addition, he often fixes errors, so-called bugs. In other words, he debugs the code, maintains the website and often collaborates with other colleagues, for example, in designing software, the architecture used in development, further testing the software, and the like.

There are probably many different positions or industries hidden under the word developer?

Yes, the work of a developer can be divided according to what he focuses on. The most common division is into frontend and backend or fullstack.

A frontend developer focuses more on interfaces, that is, on what the user comes into contact with. These are the applications, websites... A backend developer is more of a person who focuses on what the user does not see, but it is very important.

Can someone who did not study at a university be a developer?

He or she certainly can. In my opinion, a university is a quality foundation. If someone young decides that they want to be a developer, in my opinion it is not a bad idea to go to college. But even someone who has studied something completely different can still learn it from scratch. They must have a passion and create something, dedicate themselves to it.

If I work in Wordpress or something similar, can I learn to create a website myself?

Yes, if a person wants to make a website, the easiest way is to go through Wordpress, Wix or even Google itself has the option of creating a presentation website.

From your point of view, is a website important nowadays? Isn't it enough to have a good fanpage on Facebook or Instagram?

Websites are important. Because you can display things on the website that you can't on those fanpages. The page can be structured, you can show products there, you can interact with the user there. So there are many more possibilities for self-presentation than on a Facebook profile or a social network.

There are certainly professions or companies that may not need a sophisticated website and a simple one is enough for them, but it is also important for the website to be searchable via Google.

What are the trends in websites today?

In the past, websites were very cluttered, flashing, there were images everywhere... Then it somehow simplified, unified and people started using some patterns on all websites. Now those websites are no longer crowded, each website has its own identity, they try to follow UX parameters, accessibility for everyone as standard...

What is UX and UI?

UX is the user's experience with the website. It is very important because we want the user to be able to use the website or application correctly and effectively. UX also refers to the speed of the website, the layout of the website, etc. There is also research that every second that the website loads represents a user's immediate departure rate of up to 30%. So all the elements that affect the user experience are included here.

For example, a typical UX pattern is that most websites have a menu on mobile in the form of three lines - the so-called hamburger menu. Users are used to it and if we change it, it may discourage them from visiting the website. So there is no need to change things that are a standard.

UI (user Interface) is a subcategory of UX, it is about how the application or website looks. These are, for example, buttons, usage of colors, interactive elements. The website has its own identity, it is interesting.

How long does it take to build a website? I understand that it depends on the content and complexity, but let's say a simple page to display the services?

If it is a really simple page that a person can create "just by clicking" through a service, then one can do it in one day, or in a few hours.

An average corporate website, which is a little more complex, could take a programmer about two months, even with the design.

What is SEO? How does it work?

It is search engine optimization. In short, it is an effort to optimize the website and improve it as much as possible so that in the event of a search for either a product or a topic, the website can be found quickly.

For example, I have a construction company, it is important that the individual services that I perform are described on that page. It is important that the page is well structured, or if it is optimized for the blind, it is a big plus... Google evaluates all of this and gives me plus points, so I can gradually get higher and higher in the search. So there is a greater chance that people will click on my website.

If I am not found on the first or second page of Google, am I doing something wrong?

It does not have to be that way. It takes a while, because Google searches the web and indexes pages gradually. It does this, let's say, once a month, so it will take a while for it to find out that my website actually exists.

Are websites subject to “fashionable” trends?

Yes, but it’s not like it used to be. In the past, if someone came up with something new, everyone started repeating it. Now, we have some gold standards, everyone tries to follow UX principles. But a company should still come up with its own identity to differentiate itself from the competition.

What is a bug?

It's a name for a mistake. Computer scientists love strange names, the name originated around 1947 at Harvard. Back then, computers were still huge enough to take up an entire room. Computers had various pipes and hardware parts.. And one of these computers stopped working, they had to take it apart and found a real bug or butterfly in it. That's why they say the computer was being de-debugged, that is, they fixed it. Since then, bug has been the name for a mistake.

What is often forgotten when creating websites and shouldn't be?

If I had to say one thing, I would say that it's definitely accessibility for the visually impaired (for example). Beginners in particular completely ignore this. Google also favors websites that are also adapted for visually impaired people. So you need to think about, for example, color contrast to make the website easy to read.

What will be the future of applications and websites?

That's a tough question. I think some applications as we know them will stay or continue to evolve. But what I think will change a lot is the way we work with search or learning. Those are the applications that I think will be very influenced by artificial intelligence.

What are the 3 basic points that you think should be followed when creating websites and applications?

First, it must meet what the user expects it to do. It doesn't have to be a fancy thing, the main thing is that it must fulfill the purpose. Second, it must be UX focused, so it must be a very fast application or a fast website, and third, security.

You can listen to the entire podcast on SPOTIFY or watch it on YouTube.