Aliter Technlogies partner of the conference Together on Security and Defence

  • Conferences
Defence industry innovations and what threats we face from Aliter Technologies' view at the security and defence event in Slovakia.
Aliter Technologies partnerom konferencie Spoločne o bezpečnosti a obrane

Experts, representatives from academic, private and public sectors for security and defence policy issues joined together for the fourth year of the Together on Security and Defence conference in Beladice. Under the patronage of the Slovak Security Policy Institute Aliter Technologies supported as the main partner the discussion on security issues, the state of affairs and modernization in the Slovak defence sector.

This year, our CEO Peter Dostál, attended a panel discussion on innovations in the Slovak defence industry and outlined what threats we face in Slovakia and how we can respond to them. He also commented on the topic of modernization in the defence industry in Slovakia and the possibility of establishing cooperation between the state administration and the commercial sector.


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